Friday, 28 January 2022

It would only take a slip of the tongue

Since she can't cum, her employers sometimes reward her by getting the girls she's just licked to stick their tongues up her arse. She really likes that and so do her bosses, because it makes her even more horny and desperate.

Friday, 21 January 2022

Persistence is a virtue

In a world of ODTC products, I've always felt that writing captions relying on PGAD is a bit like cheating. I'm willing to make one exception though.

Friday, 14 January 2022

Roxy's fate

Roxy gave up her job to take part, so she doesn't have an income any more. Fortunately, she doesn't have many outgoings and the fans who visit her often bring snacks, so she should be able to manage by setting up a webcam account. She's used to people watching her all the time, after all.

Friday, 7 January 2022


He doesn't think the word teasing means what she thinks it does and since he's the one with the antidote gel, it's what he thinks that matters. She might also be wrong in her assumption that because he suggested this as a game for the new year, she'll be getting out of the gel when the year ends.