Friday, 24 June 2022

What are friends for?

What she may have missed, in her eagerness to exploit the company's generous offer, is that all her friends will be thinking exactly the same thing.

Friday, 17 June 2022

Game on

The gameshow content is finally over. I really enjoyed writing it and I hope at least some of you liked reading it. As mentioned previously, the ideas for new captions are coming more slowly now, so I'm going to be padding them out with something I should find easier to write:

This is inspired somewhat by Seductive Aporetics' denial-themed games. If it doesn't interest you, then perhaps check back every couple of weeks, when I'll have more traditional posts. The normal ODTC content will never stop completely, it just might slow down as time goes by.

Friday, 10 June 2022

True love is unconditional

He's just taught her a valuable lesson about negotiation (namely that when you're in enforced denial, there is no negotiation). She'll thank him later. Or else.

Friday, 3 June 2022

As seen on TV

Natasha didn't know in advance that all the rules the other contestants gave Bambi would also be reflected back on them, but she definitely suspected something of the kind. She didn't get to give Bambi a rule herself, but to keep her decades of denial interesting, she persuaded the executives to let her experience one of the rules at random each month. This month, it's Tiffani's rule, but next month, who knows?