Friday 3 May 2019

Testing, testing

Professional dominants aren't the only ones who challenge their denial slaves to play particular games, as these earlier captions demonstrate.

And if she doesn’t manage it, there’s always the next ten years.
I wonder how long it takes to crawl ten thousand metres.
Self control, or unconsciousness due to exhaustion: either way, she’ll pass his test eventually.
A million strokes is fifty a day for fifty-five years and after just a couple of days of that, she wouldn’t have a bottom left to cane. Even if he spreads the flogging over every inch of available skin, she’ll never get near completing the task. But she’ll still try, because the alternative is to give up hope.

Ten times in one weekend is pretty impressive, especially as he’s not likely to be holding back in the days previous.
Another maths one, I’m afraid. One of the options gives one more orgasm than the others, but it’s the one that I don’t think I could bear to choose. Answers in the comments if anyone reading this feels like it.

1 comment:

  1. So by my count, that's around 17 years locked.

    Pretty reasonable first time if you ask me.
