Friday 8 November 2019

Acceptance is sometimes hard to accept

Many girls find enforced long term denial so terrible that they think they'll never be able to cope, but most eventually learn to accept the situation and make the best of it. Here are some of my earlier captions in which girls have either accepted their new status as denial slaves, or are attempting to do so.

Some might think utter insanity is a given.
This caption is quite old now, hence the outdated smartphones listed.
Being a good denial slave soon becomes the most important thing in a denial slave's life.
He'll consider cumming in her mouth, then decide against it.

Yes, I know this isn't a haiku as it doesn't contain the juxtaposition of contrasting or contradictory elements linked and separated by a cutting word, but I don't think she cares.
I don't know whether she would be even more cruel if she were kept in denial. Probably.

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