Friday 17 June 2022

Game on

The gameshow content is finally over. I really enjoyed writing it and I hope at least some of you liked reading it. As mentioned previously, the ideas for new captions are coming more slowly now, so I'm going to be padding them out with something I should find easier to write:

This is inspired somewhat by Seductive Aporetics' denial-themed games. If it doesn't interest you, then perhaps check back every couple of weeks, when I'll have more traditional posts. The normal ODTC content will never stop completely, it just might slow down as time goes by.


  1. It sounds like a wonderful game. I can't wait to link it to my TTcB and give it a try!

    1. I'm so glad to hear that! When crowdfunding goes live, backers will have the option of linking their TTcBs immediately and waiting in increasing frustration for the fulfilment of their pledge to arrive* so they can actually play the game. In the meantime, backers will enjoy a level of teasing determined by the total amount pledged and edges every time a stretch goal is reached.

      *T&D Games accepts no responsibility for TTcBs left permanently locked on Stealth Stim if the campaign fails to reach its goal.

  2. Very hot, how would such a card game work? What does adventure card mean? Is this a solitaire for a to-be denied woman or a competitive game? So many questions. Please continue this.

    1. If you look up "living card game" in a search engine, you'll find lots of information about such games in general (yes, they really exist, although with fantasy, horror and superhero themes, rather than denial). There are also videos of people playing them, if you're interested. Due to bad press, some of them have been rebranded as "adventure card games" lately.

      Basically, players construct a deck of player cards which they play to overcome challenges on the adventure cards and fulfil the conditions needed to win the game (which might be different with each scenario). The adventure cards contain the enemies, obstacles, mysteries and locations which the players need to deal with in order to win. A number are revealed and put into play at the start of each round. In other games, they might be called the "encounter" or "mythos" cards.

      In this game, they also have a number on the back which is used in attribute checks instead of rolling dice or picking counters from a bag. I'll explain more if anyone's interested.

      The game supports competitive, semi-cooperative, fully cooperative and solo play. Competitive and semi-coop both use a victory point system, which is also used to generate experience in campaigns (for all ways to play) to allow players to upgrade their player deck between games.

      Happy to answer questions. More will be revealed over the coming months.
