Friday 15 July 2022

Unique cards can be very good

Setting up a game:

  1. Select an adventure to play. If you are playing a campaign, there may be restrictions on which adventure you can play next. If players cannot decide, the player in denial the longest chooses.
  2. Decide whether the game will be competitive, semi-cooperative or fully cooperative.
  3. Follow the individual set up instructions for the adventure you are going to play, including constructing the Adventure Deck. You may read any or all cards in the Adventure Deck or those set aside. The contents are not secret and may affect your decisions.
  4. Choose characters and follow any set up instructions on their player boards, including constructing their Player Decks. If playing a campaign, there may be additional restrictions or options available, as specified in the campaign.
  5. Shuffle each Player Deck and the Adventure Deck. Do not shuffle the Objective Deck, nor any cards set aside as part of the individual adventure's set up instructions.
  6. Each player now chooses a starting hand by revealing cards from the top of their deck one at a time until they have revealed five cards they want to keep (they may not keep Disadvantages). Place these five cards on top of the Player Deck (in any order) and draw them. Then, place any Disadvantages revealed on top of the deck in any order and place all other revealed cards into the discard pile (in any order), without resolving any When discarded effects.
  7. Place the various tokens where they can easily be reached by all players and link TTcBs, TTsPs, RCDIs and TTnAs using the QR codes provided, if desired.
  8. Start the game with round one.

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