Friday 29 January 2021

The first night

For those who are interested, the Pleasure Pursuit rankings after that first night are:

1: Tiffani +1722
2: Andrea +27
3: Shannon +3
4: Steffi +2
5: Krystal +1
6: Eve -1
7: Bambi -2
8: Roxy -3
9=: Anastasia -20*
9=: Oliva -20*
11: Cecile -27
12=: Mae -1722
12=: Natasha -1722†

These are relative scores, rather than absolute, as otherwise Tiffani would be unassailable on several billion points.

* Anastasia and Oliva refused to compete, receiving a twenty point penalty.
† Natasha doesn't compete, obviously, so her TTcB is automatically set to the worst result of any of the contestants.


  1. so how does pleasure pursuit rankings affect the contestants? Does it mean days added to their TTcB?

    1. In general, Pleasure Pursuitists have the option of wagering extra lock time when they play, but since this game was initiated automatically, the show's bosses chose the wager of one hour per point. However, the most important thing about the rankings (except for Natasha) is that the two girls at the bottom are up for eviction at the end of each week.
